二战以后 ,现代农村教育尤其是农村成人教育作为一项国家事业引起各国的普遍关注并蓬勃发展起来 ,成为各国成人教育体制的重要组成部分。中国是一个农业大国 ,农村城市化、农民工人化和知识化的进程 ,决定了中国整个社会的现代化进程。要适应这种形势 ,必须研究世界各国的农村成人教育尤其是发达国家的农村成人教育 ,并通过借鉴和汲取 ,把中国农村成人教育办成世界上最大的、最有成效的农村成人教育。本文在研究发达国家农村成人教育内容和经验的基础上 ,引发出对我国农村成人教育问题的若干思考。
After the second world war, modern rural education, especially rural adult education, flourished and attracted attention all over the world, becoming an important part of adult education system in many countries. China is a large country famous for agriculture. The process of urbanization and the fact that peasants became workers and gained more knowledge decided the process of modernization all over China. To be adapted to this situation, we must study the rural adult education in all countries, especially in developed countries, learn their experiences, and run the rural adult education on the largest scale and in the most effective way. After studying the content and experience of the rural adult education in developed countries, the author arouses reflection on the rural adult education in our country.
Continuing Education Research
全国教育科学"十五"规划教育部重点青年专项课题<成人教育改革与发展的国际比较研究>(EKAOO10 45 6)分课题的部分研究成果