This article outlines the use of the so-called beneficial image as a framework for the analysis of tourist destination image for decision to visit a city for a vacation. The beneficial image is conceptualized as the image characteristics of a destination that subsequently influence tourists' decision to visit particular tourist destinations. In addition, the development of measurement in tourist destination image via a category-based approach is outlined. The proposed framework and method are used to assess the destination images of both XI'AN and Shanghai in China. The findings of the study have demonstrated that the effectiveness of the proposed conceptual and methodological frameworks, both at theoretical and practical levels. The aims of this study were: ①to assess the usefulness of so-called beneficial image that influences the decision of potential tourists to visit Xi'an and Shanghai as tourist destinations, and ②to apply a category-based approach for operationalizing the beneficial image of a tourist destination. This study mainly relies on beneficial-image-model, un-constructed techniques, category-based approach, and content-analysis method to evaluate tourist destination image of two selected cities, which are Xi'an & Shanghai. These particular cities were selected on the assumption that they differ in terms of culture, geographic location, economic development standard, and type of tourist destination. This study suggests that beneficial image attributes of functional, social, epistemic, and emotional values are those agreed by mostly respondents in Xi'an, and functional, epistemic, emotional, and conditional values are beneficial image attributes in Shanghai.The findings of this study suggest that Xi'an should reinforce most beneficial images in regard to attributes of destination in functional, social, epistemic, and emotional values of potential tourists. For Shanghai, the findings suggest that tourism management should highlight beneficial attributes in functional, epistemic, emotional, and conditional values that have been seen as most beneficial images. Although the findings have demonstrated the effectiveness of the beneficial-image-model and the category-based approach in measuring destination image, additional research is needed to verify the validity and reliability of the developed methods.
Human Geography