现行国标规定:200 MW及以上机组发电机定子绕组采用独立密闭循环水冷却系统时,冷却水水质的 电导率应小于2μS/cm;铜含量不大于40μg/L;pH高于6.8。通过试验研究,开发并完善了对内冷水系统以优化 水质为目标的综合处理技术。该技术已在山东电网内包括300 MW机组在内总容量4 200 MW的机组上进行了 成功应用。其内冷水水质完全达到并优于国标规定,特别是铜,含量一般只有7μg/L左右。该项技术不仅可用 于新建机组,也可用于运行机组,且实施过程简单,可充分利用原系统设备,运行费用低廉。
The national standard(CTS)prescribes that the stator's windings in the 200 MW & above generators with the sole and sealed water cycle cooling system should be reauired as the water quality conductance≤2μS/cm,cuprum content≤40μg/L,pH>6.8. Through test and research on purpose to optimize the water quality,the synthetical disposal technology on the inner water cooling systems has been developed and perfected . The technology has been widely and successfully coming into use for 300 MW generator sets in Shandong Power Grid,and the total use is up to 42 000 MW. The water qualities of these sets are all better than the IS,especially the Cuprum quantity are only about 7μg/L. The synthetical disposal technology is applicable not only for new generator sets , but also the old system in which the water quality is beyond the IS. And the process to get the technology carried out is very simple,and also the elementary facilities of the old system can be taken in use for the new system sufficiently,while the operating cost is lower.
North China Electric Power
Generator Inner water cooling system
Optimizing Water
Synthetical disposal technology