
猪耳丽蚌的生物学研究 被引量:3

Study on the Biology of Lamprotula Rochechouarti
摘要 鄱阳湖吴城镇的猪耳丽蚌Lamprotularochechouarti进行了生物学研究 .猪耳丽蚌的壳长、壳宽与壳高之间呈直线相关 ,其中壳宽变化较大 ;而壳长与体重、组织干重、干壳重呈指数相关 .从其种群结构来看 ,壳长 5 5~ 75mm的个体占大多数 ,该种群已趋于稳定状态 .在自然状态下 ,猪耳丽蚌的雌雄性比为 1.0 18∶1.性腺涂片的周年观察表明 :9月至翌年 1月性腺逐渐发育成熟 ;2~ 5月可见育儿囊内有胚胎和钩介幼虫 ;6~ 8月性腺处于恢复期 . The biological investigation of Lamprotula rochechouarti was undertaken at Poyang Lake from July of 2000 to August of 2001.The results show that the relationships among three shell dimensions are linear, whereas that of whole weight, tissue dry weight and shell dry weight with shell length are of exponential function, which is consistent with L3 model. From the view of population structure, the population tends to be stable, shell length of individuals is mainly from 55 mm to 75 mm in the population. The sex ratio (female∶male) in nature is 1.018∶1. From September to January, the gonads are maturing; mating season and ripe glochidia occur from February to May; the gonads are in primordia stage from June to August.
出处 《曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第1期85-87,共3页 Journal of Qufu Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金 (3 9760 0 15 ) 曲阜师范大学科研基金
关键词 猪耳丽蚌 种群动态 蚌科 Lamprotula rochechouarti population dynamics unionidae
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