于 2 0 0 3年 7月和 9月 ,在吉林省中西部平原区进行土壤线虫取样 ,10个采样区 2 8个调查样地 2次共捕获线虫 10 2 2 0只 ,个体密度平均 182 5 0只 /m2 ,分别隶属于线形动物门 2纲 7目 2 0科 32属。真滑刃属、短体属和垫刃属为优势类群 ,是吉林省中西部平原区土壤线虫群落最重要的类群 ,稀有类群个体数量尽管很少 ,但分布的范围并不狭小 ,线虫各类群空间分布的广狭与个体数量的多寡在吉林省中西部平原区并末呈现出明显的一致性。土壤线虫群落垂直分布 ,受人类活动扰动的生境土壤线虫类群数和个体密度表聚性较差 ,土壤线虫向土壤下层移动明显 ;水平分布 ,天然林和受人类活动扰动生境土壤线虫类群数和个体密度差异显著 ;农田土地利用方式对土壤线虫群落特征影响总体是负面的 ,而居民点园地可能增加土壤线虫的类群数和生物多样性。
The soil nematodes in the mid-west plain in Jilin Province were investigated with the emphasis laid on the species richness and abundance in relation to the types of land-use i.e. farm garden, farmland, Three-North Forest Shelterbelt,natural secondary forest and natural mowing pasture. The soil nematodes were extracted through Baermann extractor and were identified to the genus level with the aid of microscope. A total of 10,220 soil nematode individuals was captured and fell into 2 classes, 7 orders, 20 families, and 32 genera. Aphelenchus、Pratylenchus and Tylenchus were the dominant groups that account for 62.7% of the total individuals. A considerable difference in the numbers of genera and individuals exists between the natural forest and other habitats affected by agricultural practice. The nematodes distributed evenly in the different layers of soil profile in all the habitats affected directly by humans in both samples collected in July and September except farm garden and farmland in July. In these two habitats affected intensively by agricultural activity during summer, more nematodes appeared in the lower layer of the soil profile. These results suggest that the types of land use affect the species richness and abundance, and human activity has an impact on the soil nematode community. The Characteristics of the functional structure of the nematode communities in different habitats were analyzed by using MI (Maturity Index) and PPI (Plant Parasite Index) while Shannon-Wiener Index was used in analyzing the biodiversity of the nematode community. The results also showed that the ratio PPI/MI proposed by Bongers was a sensitive parameter to monitor agro-ecosystems.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向资助项目 ( KZCXZ-SW-4 16)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 0 1710 5 3 )~~
soil nematodes
species richness and abundance
types of land-use
the mid-west plain in Jilin Province