用聚苯乙烯基磺酰羟胺树脂 1 与酰氯 2 反应合成了聚苯乙烯基 N,O-二酰基磺酰羟胺树脂 3. 树脂 3 作为一种新的双酰基转移试剂可与胺 4 发生酰基转移反应, 合成了含有 24 个结构类似的酰胺化合物库. 改变酰氯的种类, 结果发现双对硝基苯甲酰树脂 3a 的活性较高. 双酰基树脂 3 胺解结果表明, 由脂肪族胺得到的酰胺收率较芳香族胺高. 当解脱试剂同时含有羟基和氨基时, 双酰基树脂 3 能选择性地在氨基端发生酰基转移, 而羟基端不受影响.
A new double-acyl transfer reagent, polystyrene N,O-diacyl-N-sulfonyl hydroxylamine resin 3, was prepared and used in solution-phase synthesis of an amide library. Polystyrene N-hydroxyl sulfonyl amide resin 1 reacted with acid chloride 2 to form polystyrene NO-diacyl sulfonyl hydroxamate 3, which was cleaved by amine 4 to form amide 5. The results showed that the double p-nitrobenzoyl resin 3a possessed the highest activity. Cleavage of double-acylated resin 3 by aliphatic amines gave the higher amide yields than by aromatic amines. In this way, a library with 24 amides was synthesized. When double-acylated resin 3 was cleaved by the reagent containing both amino and hydroxyl groups, only amino group was selectively acylated but the hydroxyl group remained unacylated. The reusability of resin 3a was also studied.
Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry
国家自然科学基金(No. 20074017)资助项目.