面向现代物流技术的应用和发展要求 ,结合机电一体化技术 ,完成自动化立体仓库巷道堆垛机行走机构、升降机构、伸缩叉机构PLC控制系统设计。在研究全闭环控制方案的基础上 ,提出堆垛机运行半闭环控制方案 ,并给出堆垛机自动认址和调速控制方案及相应的梯形图。实时性好 ,停准精度高 。
Oriented to application and development requirement of modern logistics techniques,a PLC control system for automated highrise warehouse is developed using the technology of mechatronics engineering. The system is used to control the stacker walking mechanism, the elevator mechanism and the extensive mechanism of narrow-aisle stacker crane. On the basis of research for closed loop system, A kind of stacker control system that stacker confirms its Site and adjustment velocity automatically was proposed and the ladder shaped graph are submitted. It can be used for automated highrise warehouse with high velocity.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique