
论吉奥加玛在戏剧创作中对印第安传统文化的回归 被引量:11

Geiogamah′s Return to Traditional Native Culture in His Dramatic Production
摘要 回归印第安传统文化是贯穿当代美国印第安裔剧作家汉纳·吉奥加玛戏剧作品的主题。在戏剧创作中 ,吉奥加玛创造性地运用传统的印第安艺术手段 ,在当代舞台上赞颂印第安民族万事万物和谐统一的宇宙观 ,表现印第安人遭受歧视、迫害的历史与生存现状 ;与此同时 ,通过描写挣扎于生存困境之中的当代印第安人回归祖先文化、重新确立印第安信仰的过程 ,表达了印第安族裔群体认同印第安传统文化的强烈愿望。 Returning to traditional Native culture is the theme that runs through the dramatic works by Hanay Geiogamah, a contemporary native American dramatist. In his dramatic production, by making creative use of traditional native performing arts on the contemporary stage, Geiogamah eulogizes native people' cosmology, which believes in the harmony and unity of all things, and displays the history of discrimination and persecution suffered by native Americans and their present state of existence. In the meantime, he voices the strong desire of the native ethnic community to identify with traditional native culture by means of describing the process of returning to ancestral culture and reaffirming the native belief on the part of contemporary native Americans who are struggling in a dilemma of existence.
作者 邹惠玲
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期72-78,共7页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 当代 戏剧创作 回归 戏剧作品 生存困境 体认 艺术手段 宇宙观 愿望 信仰 Hanay Gelogamah dramatic production native Culture return to tradition
  • 相关文献


  • 1Stories of Our Way : An Anthology of American Indian Plays, eds. , Hanay Geiogamah and Jaye T. Darby(Los Angeles: UCLA American Indian Studies Center, 1999.
  • 2Allen, Paula Gunn. "The Sacred Hoop: A Contemporary Perspective. " Nothing But the Truth. Ed. John L. Purdy and James Ruppert. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 2001. 62-81.
  • 3Brown, Kent R. "American Indian Theater Ensemble." American Indian Theater in Performance. Ed. Hanay Geiogamah and Jaye T. Darby. Los Angeles: Malloy Lithographing, Inc. , 2000. 169-74.
  • 4Cayuga, Cat. "Cat Cayuga. " MELUS 16.3 (1989-1990) : 37-38.
  • 5Darby, Jaye T. "'Come to the Ceremonial Circle': Ceremony and Renewal in Hanay Geiogamah's 49." American Indian Theater in Performance. Ed. Hanay Geiogamah and Jaye T. Darby. Los Angeles: Malloy Lithographing, Inc., 2000. 195-223.
  • 6Darby, Jaye T. "Indian Theatre in the United States: An Assessment." Canadian Theatre Review 68 (1991): 12-14.
  • 7Darby, Jaye T. "Introduction. " Stories of Our Way : An Anthology of American Indian Plays. Ed. Hanay Geiogamah and Jaye T. Darby. Los Angeles: UCLA American Indian Studies Center, 1999. 1-6.
  • 8Huntsman, Jeffrey F. Introduction. New Native American Drama : Three Plays by Hanay Geiogamah. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1980. ix-xxiii.
  • 9King, Thomas. Introduction. All My Relations : An Anthology of Contemporary Canadian Native Fiction. Ed. Thomas King. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc. , 1990. ix-xvi.
  • 10Krupat, Arnold. " Postcolomahsm, Ideology, and Native American Literature. " Postcolonial Theory and the United States : Race, Ethnicity, and Literature. Ed. Amritjit Singh and Peter Schmidt. Jackson:UP of Mississippi, 2000. 73-94.










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