利用红叶石楠叶片为外植体进行组织培养试验,结果表明:诱导丛生芽的培养基为MS+BA1.00+NAA0.10,诱导生根的培养基为1 4MS+NAA0.20,在湿度90%左右、温度28℃~32℃、光照1600lx以上的小环境中炼苗20d后移栽,成活率可达90%以上。
This paper reports a tissue culture system of Photinia ×fraseri that MS is based medium and young leaf is explant. The study shows that inducing medium is MS appending BA 1.0mg/L and NAA 0.1mg/L; rooting medium is 1/4MS appending NAA 0.2mg/L; In the condition of humidity at 90% or so, temperature at 28℃~32℃ and (illumination) at 1600Lx above, the survival rate after hardening off 20 days and transplanting them could be up to 90%.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology