美国记者大卫·布鲁克斯创造了“BOBOS”一词 ,指兼具中产阶级 (bourgeois)和波西米亚 (bohemian)特点的一个新阶层。从本质上来说 ,BOBOS是信息时代特有的文化意识 ,对中国现阶段的发展具有重要借鉴意义 ,但是目前国内的布波士还远未形成一个阶层 。
Amrican reporter David, Bruce created a new word 'BOBOS' in his book BOBOS in Paradise: the New Upper Class and How They Got There, which provided us with a brand new picture of the classes of the modern society and enjoyed high popularity throughout the world. BOBO is the alliterative combination of bourgeois and bohemian. BOBOS refers to a group of people who own both of the characteristics. Essentially, BOBOS represents the unique cultural speciality of information times. China is on the way to the overall modernization. Although there is much similarity which make the Chinese BOBOS possible to exist, we still need thinking rationally.