分两个阶段概述了燃料电池的历史及现状 :即(1)实验室研究阶段 ,从1840年戈洛夫(WRGrove)发明氢氧气体电池开始至1952年培根(FTBacon)研制成功具有实用性的培根氢氧电池并获得专利止 ,约100余年的主要发展情况。(2)实用性研究开发阶段 ,从20世纪60年代开始并延续至今。简要介绍了燃料电池在航天、发电站、电动汽车及便携式电源等应用领域的开发现状。最后提出了对各类燃料电池开发应用前景的看法。
The highlights on the history and present status of fuel cells are described according to two stages: First is the stage of laboratory research,which begins from the invention of Grove H2_O2 gaseous galvanic cell in year about 1840 to the success of F T Bacon H2_O2 fuel cell patented in year 1952.Second is the stage of practical development,which begins from the sixties of twentieth century,till present time. The status of application development of fuel cells in fields of aerospace, electric generation, electric vehicle and portable power sources is summarized.Last, an outline of the prospects of various kinds of fuel cell is presented.
Chinese Battery Industry