
舌神经切断吻合后菌状乳头味蕾再生的实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental study of the fungiform papilla and taste bud regeneration following microsurgical repair of lingual nerve in rat
摘要 目的:了解舌神经损伤后味蕾的变化,以及切断的舌神经用神经外膜吻合修复后舌菌状乳头和味蕾的再生能力。方法:模拟临床将SD大鼠一侧舌神经钳夹或切断损伤,即刻用神经外膜吻合的方法修复切断的舌神经,分别于术后20d和100d时用体视显微镜、组织显微镜、扫描电镜观察鼠舌菌状乳头和味蕾的形态和数目。结果:术后20d时,无论钳夹损伤或切断舌神经,切断的舌神经无论是否用神经吻合修复,舌神经损伤侧的菌状乳头和味蕾均萎缩、退化,数目明显减少;术后100d时,舌神经钳夹损伤和舌神经切断后即刻吻合修复的动物,退化、萎缩的菌状乳头和味蕾已完全再生,形态和数目恢复正常。而舌神经切断后未吻合的动物,萎缩、退化的菌状乳头和味蕾无明显再生恢复。结论:钳夹损伤舌神经,萎缩、退化的菌状乳头和味蕾可以自行再生恢复;切断舌神经,萎缩、退化的菌状乳头和味蕾不能自行再生恢复;用神经外膜吻合修复后,萎缩、退化的菌状乳头和味蕾可以再生恢复。舌菌状乳头和味蕾形态、数目的再生恢复,可以作为舌神经修复成功的客观指标。 PURPOSE: To investigate the changes of taste buds following injury to lingual nerve and the regeneration of the fungiform papillae and taste buds following microsurgical epineurial anastomosis of transecting injured lingual nerves in rats.METHODS: We observed the numbers and shapes of the fungiform papillae and taste buds with stereomicroscope, light microscope, and scanning electron microscope at 20 and 100 days after the clamp injury to lingual nerve, or the transecting injury to lingual nerve with / without immediate microsurgical epineurial anastomosis of the injured lingual nerve in rats. RESULTS: The fungiform papillae and taste buds degenerated, atrophied and their numbers diminished obviously at 20 days following either the clamp injury or transecting injury to the lingual nerve. The fungiform papillae and taste buds didn't regenerate spontaneously at 100 days following transection of the lingual nerve without microsurgery. The degenerated fungiform papillae and taste buds regenerated and recovered completely at 100 days following both clamp injury to the lingual nerve and transection of the lingual nerve with immediate microsurgical epineurial anastomosis. CONCLUSION: The degenerated fungiform papillae and taste buds have good ability to regenerate spontaneously following clamp injury to the lingual nerve; the degenerated fungiform papillae and taste buds can regenerate completely with immediate microsurgical epineurial anastomosis of the transected lingual nerve. The quantity and morphology of fungiform papillae and taste buds can be used as objective indicators in the function rehabilitation of injured lingual nerve.
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 2004年第6期519-522,共4页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
基金 江苏省卫生厅科研基金(H200337) 香港大学海外基金
关键词 舌神经 味蕾 再生 SD大鼠 Lingual nerve Taste bud Regeneration SD rats
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