提高党的执政能力 ,前提是要端正党的思想路线。除了立党为公、坚持权为民所授和为民所用之外 ,就是要坚持科学发展观 ,即坚持辩证唯物主义的方法论来管理社会、领导国家。改革之初提出的“实践是检验真理的惟一标准” ,为改革开放奠定了理论基础 ,历史价值无疑 ,但实际上实践只是检验认识是否具有真理性的途径和方法 ,人类全部实践的结果才是检验认识是否具有真理性的标准 ;实践要成为现实标准 ,还离不开已有的正确认识、理论来判定。“实践是检验真理的惟一标准”这一命题并不完全周延。实践范畴是辩证唯物主义的一个重要有机组成部分 ,把它从马克思主义哲学的整体的复杂的有机联系中抽取出来而片面强调 ,在处理理论和实践的关系上又偏向了重实践轻理论的一面 ,这就使我们很难完整、准确地坚持辩证唯物主义 ,坚持科学的发展观 ,从而在实际工作中难以避免陷入不重视科学理论研究和指导的“头痛医头、脚痛医脚”、“只顾眼前、不顾长远”等等的经验主义、实用主义性质的错误。
To Improve administrative capability by the party, the prerequisite is to correct the thought route of the party. Except that building a party for the interests of the people, insisting that right is awarded by the people and used by the people, we should just adhere to the scientific development view, insist methodology of dialectical materialism and then govern the country, manage the society. The theory of 'Practice is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth' is brought up at the beginning of the reform, it has established the theoretical foundation for reforming and opening up to the outside world, and its historical value is undoubted. However, practice is just the way and method to examine the truth of the knowing, in fact, the standard of the truth should stand on all the practice resulted from mankind. If practice wants to be the realistic standard, it should be based on existing correct understanding, theory judge. 'Practice is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth' is not perfectly extensional, although it is an important organic component of the dialectical materialism. Just taking practice from the whole of Marxist philosophy and simply emphasizing it, instead of making light of the theory again in dealing with the relation between theory and practice will make us very difficult to adhere to dialectical materialism and the scientific development view. Thus it is difficult to pay attention to the scientific theoretical research and direction, and easily lead to the mistakes of empiricism, pragmatism, for example' treat the head when the head aches, so is the foot,' 'just think of the moment, ignore the long-term'.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition
The Communist Party of China
administrative capability
route of thought
scientific development view