1938年 11月至 194 4年 8月 ,中国共产党加强对桂林抗战文化运动领导的原因 :一是建立新的文化中心 ,适应抗日战争形势发展的需要 ;二是推动新桂系和广西民众坚持持久抗战的需要 ;三是在国统区扩大政治宣传和政治影响 ,为建立新中国作思想上和干部上的准备的需要 ;四是贯彻中国共产党知识分子政策的需要。
From November 1938 to August 1944, the city of Guilin was once a well known “culture city” both at home and abroad. The Anti-Japan Cultural Campaign in Guilin was lively and fruitful. This paper points out that it was the Communist Party of China that led the campaign to meet the great need of the war against Japan.