从运用多媒体辅助跨文化交际教学的实践出发 ,探讨运用多媒体辅助跨文化交际教学的必要性和优势。多媒体系统能把语言文化知识形象地呈现给学生 ,给学生提供了理想的在真实情景下感知语言与文化的环境 ,使文化知识更加具体、全面而真实。这无疑对培养和增强学生的跨文化意识起到了积极作用 ,同时对培养学生一定的科研意识和科研能力及加强学生的素质教育 ,起着不可忽视的重要作用。
Based on practice of applying multimedia to the teaching of the intercultural communication course in our college, this paper discusses the necessity and advantages of employing multimedia to assist in teaching intercultural communication. Multimedia system makes knowledge more specific, general and authentic by means of presenting language and culture vividly, and providing a satisfactory environment that can help students experience language and culture in a real situation. It takes active effects in developing and improving the students' awareness of intercultural communication. It also attaches great importance to develop the students' research awareness and ability, and promote education for students' all-round development.
Journal of Guilin Normal College