It is impossible for WEI Guan to be student of LI De-yu because WEI Guan became an official earlier than Li De-yu, whose rank was lower than Wei Guan even many years after Li De-yu had entered officialdom. Whenever LI De-yu became the prime minister, Wei Guan was demoted or vice versa. WEI Guan was not the inspector of Zhongguiguan (now named as Guilin) as described in Biography of WEI Guan of the New Chronicle of Events in Tang Dynasty, i.e., the records in this book about WEI Guan were probably not correct. WEI Guan as recorded in the Local Conditions and Customes of Guilin was actually the same person described in Biography of WEI Guan. And it is uncertain whether WEI Guan asked NIU Sen-ru to write the Chronicle of Events of Guanzhong (now named as Shanxi Province) to vilify LI De-yu.
It is impossible for WEI Guan to be student of LI De-yu because WEI Guan became an official earlier than Li De-yu, whose rank was lower than Wei Guan even many years after Li De-yu had entered officialdom. Whenever LI De-yu became the prime minister, Wei Guan was demoted or vice versa. WEI Guan was not the inspector of Zhongguiguan (now named as Guilin) as described in Biography of WEI Guan of the New Chronicle of Events in Tang Dynasty, i.e., the records in this book about WEI Guan were probably not correct. WEI Guan as recorded in the Local Conditions and Customes of Guilin was actually the same person described in Biography of WEI Guan. And it is uncertain whether WEI Guan asked NIU Sen-ru to write the Chronicle of Events of Guanzhong (now named as Shanxi Province) to vilify LI De-yu.
Journal of Shiyan Technical Institute