目的 观察贵州省牛带绦虫亚洲亚种囊尾蚴在猪体内的发育情况。 方法 用牛带绦虫亚洲亚种孕节直接灌喂当地圈养的 14d龄健康乳猪 8头 ,并以健康乳猪 4头作对照。于感染后 40、5 0、60和 75d分别剖检 ,观察猪体内囊尾蚴的分布、大小、形态及成熟情况。 结果 从感染后 40d起 ,在 6头猪的肝脏表面和实质内共检获 42 1个囊尾蚴 ,多分布在肝实质内 ,其大小为 1.3 4~ 2 .78mm× 1.2 2~ 2 .3 1mm。其余部位未找到囊尾蚴。感染后 40d和 5 0d ,囊尾蚴经胆汁孵育 ,头节翻出率分别为 78.3 %和 93 .4%。感染后 5 0d开始发现钙化的囊尾蚴。囊尾蚴活体观察可见头节上 4个吸盘和活动的顶突。压片染色镜检 ,头节有 4个吸盘和顶突 ,顶突周围发现不完整的两圈点状结构。 结论 根据囊尾蚴的分布、大小、发育时间及形态特征 ,进一步认定贵州省都匀市的带绦虫为牛带绦虫亚洲亚种。家猪是其可能的中间宿主。
Objective To observe the development of cysticercus of Taenia asiatica in the body of domestic pigs. W Methods The experimental animals were 8 Yoek pigs who were 14 days old, every pig was fed with 3 gravid proglottids of T. asiatica . These pigs were dissected at 40 d, 50 d, 60 d and 75 d after infection respectively, and the distribution, size, conformation and development of cysticercus in the body of pigs were observed. W Results 6 of 8 experimental pigs were infected by cysticercus. Total of 421 cysticerci was found on the surface(187) and in the parenchyma(234) of liver in 6 pigs. The size of cysticercus were 1.34-2.78 mm× 1.22 -2.31 mm. When cysticerci after infection 40 d were cultured in 40% gall, 78.3%(18/23) cysticerci stretched their scolex, but 93.4%(57/61) cysticerci could do in cysticerci after infection 50 d. Calcified cysticerci were found after infection 50 d. There were 4 suckers and a moveable rostellum on the scolex, moreover, two cycles of granular structure were found in seven scolex. W Conclusion The tapeworm endemic in Guizhou was further confirmed to be T. asiatica . Domestic pigs may be a suitable intermediate host of T. asiatica .
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No .30 2 60 1 0 2 )。
Taenia asiatica
infection of experimental animal
domestic pig