本文在低温下利用ECR CVD技术沉积SiO2薄膜,讨论了沉积速率和薄膜折射率随工艺条件变化的关系。直径6英寸片内均匀性达到96%,重复性达到97%。对薄膜进行了FTIR光谱分析,1050cm-1处出现Si O Si伸缩振动吸收峰;仪器检测精度内,并未出现明显的Si H和N H吸收峰,表明薄膜具有很低的H含量。
The technology of depositing SiO_2 films by ECR-CVD at substrate temperature ≤100 ℃ was developed. Variations of deposition rate and refractive index under different experimental conditions were discussed. Film uniformity about 96% within Φ6 inch silicon wafers and repeatability about 97% are achieved. FTIR spectra of the thin film show a large absorption due to Si-O-Si stretching vibration near 1 050 cm^(-1) in the regular interference pattern caused by the film thickness. Absorption peaks caused by Si-H and N-H stretching vibration are beyond detectable limit, which reveals very low hydrogen content in the film.
Vacuum Electronics