提出一种流媒体视频点播服务(VOD服务)的新架构,在应用层上实现VOD服务所 需数据的多传播路径,旨在降低网络带宽波动对流媒体VOD服务的影响,克服传统方式下 当某一传输数据的路由因请求过多或其他原因发生拥塞时服务质量(QoS)难以保证的问题。 还具体给出了多路径传播的协议和实现算法,实验结果也证明该架构能够有效减少对单一路 由、特别是中心VOD服务器带宽的压力,使得数据传输能够根据带宽的变化动态变化,从 而更好地保证VOD服务的OoS。
A new Video-on-Demand (VOD) Service architecture is put forward and spreading VOD data through multi paths on application layer is achieved. The new architecture can reduce the influence of band-width fluctuation on QoS of VOD service and can overcome the defect of traditional architecture because of a single routing congestion under too many VOD data or other reasons when the QoS of service can't guarantee. The protocol and arithmetic of multi-spread paths are given out. The experiment proves that the new architecture can lighten the pressure on a single routing service for VOD, especially on main VOD server, and the spreading of VOD data can change the band-width, and can guarantee QoS of VOD service better than traditional one.
Computer Aided Engineering