报道了水稻两系不育系15个基因型的组培快繁研究结果。由去稃的糙米粒经无菌发芽获得无菌秧苗。 无菌苗茬转接到附加10.0 mg稬-1 KT、0.25mg稬-1 NAA及8.0%蔗糖的N6培养基上可获得理想的增殖效果。繁殖系数与基因型密切相关,最高者(TB7-3S)可达30以上。转接操作中对无菌秧苗的不同切割方法显著影响到繁殖系数,但对无菌秧苗的株高影响不大。增殖培养的最适蔗糖浓度范围为8.0%~12.0%;在0~12.0%浓度范围内,繁殖系数随蔗糖浓度的增大呈现较有规则的递增趋势;当蔗糖浓度≥16.0%时,繁殖系数急剧下降。KT浓度为0~7.5mg稬-1时,随KT浓度增高繁殖系数呈较有规则的递增趋势;KT浓度为7.5~20.0mg稬-1时,繁殖系数维持在较高水平上波动。不同有机附加物对繁殖系数的影响差异极大,20%椰子水、20%西瓜汁和20%苹果汁能显著促进无菌秧苗的分蘖形成(单株分蘖数分别增加63.3%、55.4%和25.29%),1000mg稬-1水解酪蛋白和20%丝瓜汁对无菌秧苗的分蘖有一定的抑制作用(单株分蘖数分别减少10.48%和3.54%)。20%香蕉泥和20%雪梨汁强烈抑制无菌秧苗的生长发育,前者使转接材料全部死亡,后者导致约40%的材料死亡。组培秧苗移植大田后表现为每株最终有效分蘖数较实生秧苗增多、稻穗长度较短、抽穗较早。
The experimental results of in vitro rapid propagation of 15 genotypes of the sterile line of two-line hybrid rice were reported in this paper. The sterile materials were obtained via sterile germination of the brown rice stripped off glumes. The ideal proliferating results were obtained by transferring the sterile seedling stubbles on the N6 medium complemented with 10.0mg稬-1 KT, 0.25mg稬-1 NAA and 8.0% sucrose. The propagation coefficients were closely related to the genotypes, and the maximum propagation coefficient was more than 30(in Genotype TB7-3S). The cutting method of transferring operation exerted a significant effect on the height of the in vitro plantlet. The optimal concentration range of sucrose for proliferation culture was 8.0%﹣12.0%. And the propagation coefficient, as sucrose concentration increase within 0﹣12.0%, showed a regular progressive increase trend, and sharply decreased as ≥16%. Also, the propagation coefficient, as the concentration of exogenous KT increases within 0﹣7.5mg稬-1, showed a regular progressive increase trend, and fluctuated on a higher level as KT concentration was in the range of 7.5﹣20.0 mg稬-1. The effect difference of different organic complements on the propagation coefficient was extremely significant. Twenty percent coconut water, 20% watermelon juice and 20% apple juice could significantly promote the tiller formation of the in vitro plantlets (the No. of tillers per plant increased by 63.3%, 55.4% and 25.29%, respectively). 1 000 mg稬-1 casein hydrolysate (CH) and 20% towel gourd juice inhibited the tiller formation in some degrees (No. of tillers per plant decreased by 10.4% and 3.54%, respectively). Twenty percent banana syrup and 20% Bretschneider Pear juice strongly inhibited the tiller formation of in vitro plantlets, the former caused all the plantlet stubbles died, and the later, about 40% stubbles died. Compared with the field plants from the seedlings, the final effective tillers per plant of the field plants from the in vitro plantlets increased, the ear length was longer, earring earlier. No obvious variation of fertility or that of qualitative character was observed in the field plants from in vitro plantlets.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica