新的《高中英语教材 (RevisedSEFC)》是在中英联合编写的SEFC ( 1996)的基础上由人教社进行修订 ,并于 2 0 0 3年秋季学期在全国推广使用。本文探讨了中国英语教材的评价标准问题 ,分析了SEFC产生的社会背景 ,并依据标准对R SEFC( 2 0 0 3 )进行了分析评价。最后提出了使用R
The New Senior English for China (Revised SEFC), based on Senior English for China (SEFC 1996), was successfully revised by the People’s Education Press and began to be used throughout the country in the autumn semester 2003. The present paper discusses the criteria for evaluating China’s English language coursebook, gives an analysis of the historical background of SEFC and evaluates R. SEFC (2003) in the light of the criteria ('three needs'). In the article the author also suggests four principles of adapting R. SEFC.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University