艺术创造活动中的主客体关系一直是文艺理论中的一个古老而重要的命题。对于艺术创造活动中主客体的关系 ,刘勰和马利坦所持的观点既有相同之处又有相异之处 ,相同之处在于二人都认为在创造活动中艺术家自我和外物之间应当互相制衡、融和统一 ;二人的理论分歧主要源于他们对文学本质的认识各不相同 ,仔细辨析两位文论家观点的异同 ,对于我们开阔研究视野、多角度地把握艺术本质、全面揭开艺术创造精神活动的奥秘 ,都有着积极的启示作用。
The relation between subject and object in t he action of artistic creation has always been an ancient and important propositio n in the theory of literature and art.Liu Xie and Maritain had both identificat ions and differences on these points.They all thought artist self and objective thing should restrict and merge each other.On the other hand,the different rea lization about the literature essence was their main diverges.We can widen our research vision,hold art essence from different angles,and discover the mystery of artistic creation by study their theory.
Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology(Social Sciences)