科学发展观 ,是促进和指导电大可持续发展的行动指南。科研作为高校的三大基本任务之一 ,是电大教育改革和发展的支柱。必须以科学的发展观为指导 ,加快电大科研的发展 ,才能更好地服务于电大教育改革发展的大局。以科学的发展观为指导 ,必须要突出研究重点 ,树立求实、求新的科学态度 ,服务于电大教育改革发展的大局 ,不断提升队伍的素质 ,在立足实践研究的过程中 ,为电大可持续发展提供强有力的支持。
The scientific developing concept is a direction for the action of facilitating sustainable development of RTUs.As one of three basic tasks for colleges and u nivers ities,scientific research is the pillar for edcational reform and development of RTUs.We should fasten the development of scientific research guided by the scie ntific developing concept so that we can serve educational reform and develo pment better.Thus it requires obvious important researching points,scientific at titude of seeking for facts and new things and the staff improving themselves c ontinuously in order to give a strong support for sustainable development of RTU s in the process of practical research.
Journal of Hunan Radio and Television University