
不同职业和不良生活因素人群血流变指标异常率及其高粘征类型研究 被引量:5

Study on the Abnormal Rate of Hemorheological Parameters and the Types of Blood High Viscosity Syndromes in People with Various Occupation and Bad Living Factors
摘要 目的 研究不同职业、不良生活因素人群血液流变学指标 (HI)异常发生率及其所表现的血液高粘滞综合征 (BHVS)类型。方法 所有受检个体查血液表观粘度 (ηa)、血浆粘度 (ηp)、红细胞压积 (Hct)、红细胞聚集指数 (AI)和变形指数 (DI)、血沉 (ESR)以及血小板电泳时间 (PET)和红细胞电泳时间 (RET)等临床血液流变学指标 ,按不同职业 (公务员、知识分子、工人 )和不良生活因素 (吸烟、高脂饮食、运动和睡眠缺乏 )等统计HI异常发生率 ,分析这些指标的改变分别属于哪些BHVS类型。结果 不同职业人群HI异常发生率为公务员 (2 0 .2 3% ) >知识分子 (17.81% ) >工人 (15 .2 6 % ) ;不良生活因素引起HI异常发生率为吸烟组 (5 4 .0 5 % ) >高脂饮食组 (39.15 % >睡眠不足组 (18.10 % ) >运动缺乏组 (11.77% ) ;不同职业BHVS类型为 :公务员以Ⅰ型为主 ,知识分子以Ⅳ型为主 ,工人则以Ⅱ型为主。不良生活因素引起的BHVS类型为 :吸烟组以Ⅳ型为主 ,高脂饮食组以Ⅱ型为主 ,睡眠缺乏组以Ⅰ型为主 ,运动缺乏组以Ⅳ型为主。结论 不同职业和不良生活因素人群血液流变学指标异常程度不尽相同 ,其高粘征以某一类型为主 ,多型性特点较明显。 Objective To investigate the abnormal rate of hemorheological indexes (HI) and the type of blood high viscosity syndromes(BHVS) in different occupation and living habits people crowd.Method 3 350 men and women,their hemorheological indexes, blood apparent viscosity and plasma viscosity,Hemtocrit,red blood cell aggregation and deformability,erythrocyte and platelet electropherosis time were all examined. Several occupation and bad living factors people's abnormal rate of HI and the type of BHVS were calculated and analysed.Results HI abnormal rate and BHVS type of the civilianes group is 20.23% and type Ⅰ,the intellectuales are 17.8l% and type Ⅳ,the workers are 15.26% and typeⅡ,the smoking group is 54.05% and type Ⅳ,the more fat group is 39.15% and type Ⅱ,the sleeping lack group is 18.10%and type Ⅰ,the sporting deficience group is 11.77% and type Ⅳ.Conclusion The abnormal rate of HI and the type of BHVS is differential in people of various occupation and bad living habite;there are several BHVS types in the same crowd people.
出处 《中国血液流变学杂志》 CAS 2004年第4期467-469,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hemorheology
关键词 人群 发生率 高脂饮食 高粘 血液流变学指标 生活因素 吸烟 类型 职业 结论 occupation living factors hemorheology blood high viscosity syndromes
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