文章提出了一种类似 Windows文件夹模式的数据结构 ,它是通过在二叉树的各个结点可以存放数据或一棵新的二叉树指针的思想建立起来的。每一个存放新的二叉树指针的结点都可以看成是一个文件夹 ,在此文件夹下的是被分支函数判断具有某些共性的数据和子文件夹的集合。此种数据结构非常便于程序员对数据的底层进行操作和宏观控制。
In this paper,a data structure similar to the Windows folder structure is proposed.It is constructed by placing the pointer of a new bintree or some concrete data in each node of a bintree.The nodes storing the pointer of a new bintree can be considered as a folder.In the folder there are some data and subfolders of some similar properties.
Computer and Information Technology