唐英是雍、乾时期的戏剧家 ,在当时大多数文人沉浸于昆曲雅丽、繁复的审美趣味之时 ,他对昆曲进行了一系列改革 ,突破了以巩固政治统治为目的的教化剧 ,而在剧中强调真性情 ,一改逞显才情 ,娱乐遣兴的才子佳人模式 ,将笔触伸向广阔的社会生活描写大众的酸甜苦辣 ,谴责统治者的丑恶虚伪。这些改造创新为逐渐走向案头化而脱离舞台表演的昆曲注入了活力 ,这对今天探索古代戏曲的复兴和发展之路同样具有借鉴意义。
Tang Ying was a playwright at the time of Yong, and Qian when the majority of intellectuals were intoxicated by the elegancy of Kunqu Opqera, On account of its diverse aethethical tastes, Tang Ying made reforms in Kunqu Opera, breaking through the preaching plays which were based on the purppse of for tifying political reign. In the reform he emphasized the genuineness of plays instead of the previous show off or entertainment of the gifted scholars and beautiful ladies. He portrayed the bitter life of people, dinunciated the hyprocrisy of the rulers. These reforms and innovations paved way for closet dramas and infused a nwe life to Kunqu Optra that is detaching from stage performance. It is equally significant to explore the way for resurrection of ancient, traditional operas and their prospects for reference.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition