贾府由盛而衰 ,大厦倾倒。与其相反的是 :赖家虽为贾府的世仆 ,因其在贾府管家时间长 ,权势重 ,善于拍马逢迎主子 ,钻了贾府管理混乱的孔子 ,渐次发迹 ,超越常人 ,最后连主子也要向其乞借遭冷遇。这一主仆贫富易位的典型事例给世人留下颇值得深思回味的人生课题。
When the Jia's clan was on the decline, the Lais was becoming more flourishing. Though the Lais were the servants of the Jias' from generation to generation, in charge of the household for a long time, Their power & influence were becoming weigher & weigher. They harboured their evil intentions & appropriated the Jias' property day by day. When on the decline, the Jias wanted to borrow some money from the Lais, but were given the cold shoulder. The typical case gave us a good topic about life that is worth thinking.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition