少数民族活态文化是一宗即将逝去的国宝。抢救少数民族活态文化是一项迫在眉睫的工作。抢救少数民族活态文化 ,一要解决认识问题 ,二要有政策法规和条例保证 ,三要明确重点 ,选准主攻方向 ,四要注意保护活态文化的载体 ,五要处理好保护与开发利用的关系 ,六要统筹兼顾 ,通力合作。概而言之 ,抢救少数民族活态文化要做到上有政策 ,下有行动 ,亡羊补牢 ,终能得益。
The living culture of minorities is a sort of run-off national treasure, so the rescue work on it becomes urgent, in which attention should be paid to the following: 1) agreement should be achieved about the rescue work; 2) rescue work must be garanteed by policies and regulations; 3) better understanding as to what the main direction of attack; 4) protection of the living culture carriers ought to be taken into account; 5) proper regulation of the relation between protection and exploitation; 6)overall consideration and all-rounded cooperation is needed. In a word, the rescue work must be done with all efforts. Benefit can be gained on account of the fact that it is not too late to mend the fold.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition