Dickson permutation polinomials are usually used to compose the public key cryptosys-tem, in which the numbers of fixed points show encrypting confusion degree which can form the cry-ptosystem. Hence, the research of fixed points counting formula is very important. Fixed points counting formula of the kind of special Dickson permutation polynomials (parameter a = 0) which compose RSA system is given in reference [1]. The reference guesses common fixed points counting formula of this kind of Dickson permutation polynomials is 3', where s is distinct factor numbers of m. Mr Sun Qi, in reference [2], proves that conjecture, and proposes that the common fixed points counting formula of another kind of Dickson permutation polynomials (parameter a = 1) is the conjecture for 5'. This paper killfully proves Mr. Sun Qi's conjesture, and also supplies the common fixed points counting formula of Dickson permutation of which parameter a =-1.
Journal on Communications