本文简要考察了人类中心主义思想的确立过程以及哥白尼日心说、达尔文进化论对它的反叛和冲击。同时 ,文章认为马克思主义是继哥白尼、达尔文之后真正的第三次哥白尼式革命 ,是最深刻的非人类中心主义视角 ,因为它把人类及其意识现象看成是自然进化的产物 ,它所理解的实践也是作为“类活动”(宇宙现象 )而被考察的。因此 ,马克思主义虽然以实践为基础来考察人 ,但它是从宇宙普遍进化出发而不是从人本身出发来看人。这种非人类中心主义视角在今天具有特定的现实意义。
It is discussed in the article that there was a long history to put man in the center of thd world making him a spectator of cosmic processes, which include him. This view of human centralism played much important role in the history of human civilization. However,in another hand, it was also overvalued human power over nature. Therefore , the sound to take man off the world was sometimes heard in the past. Conipernicus and-Darwin were the great inaugurators of the first and second turns (revolutions) in the history of modern science. However, after the birth of Marxist , the third, also the grreatest . Copernican Revolution, is Marxisl Anyti-human-centralism. Based on scientific conclusions , Marxism takes a visual angle that man and his mind is the result of general evolution. Though Marxism emphasizes the first-iniportant place of practice in human knowledge , it is still'anti-human-centralist since human practice explored as one of cosmic phenomena , the analogy of animal behavior, i. e. practice is the activities of whole mankind. This view of anti-human-centralismhas realistic importance in modern times.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)