清末民初 ,日本“武力派”在中日关系史上造成了“三甲纪念”。“甲午之役”是日本“脱亚”历程的起始 ,其“入欧”地位因“甲辰之役”得到巩固。“甲寅之役”及其“后幅文章”显示出日本对华政策和国家目标发生新转折。以后 ,它由“脱亚入欧”、“与欧美列强为伍” ,向强化“攻势”姿态、“欲以独力并吞中国”的方向发展。在和平与发展已成为时代主题的今天 ,回顾日本“脱亚入欧”和中国“三甲纪念”的历史记忆 ,有助于中国人珍视当今百年未遇的历史机遇 ,也有助于仍留有“崇欧蔑亚”文化心理的一些日本人正确解读当年与邻国的战史 ,使中日两国建立一种互信、共存。
At the turn of China's late Qing and early Republic periods Japanese “militarists”caused the“commemoration of three jia's”in the history of Sino-Japanese relations.The Chinese-Japanese War of 1894(jia wu)signified the beginning of Japan's process of “departure from Asia”,and its position of “joining Europe”was consolidated owing to the War of 1904(jia chen).During and after the War of 1914(jia yin)Japan's policy toward China and its state goal had a new turn.Afterwards,it moved from its“departure from Asia for Europe”and “keeping European and American powers' company” to strengthening its“aggressive”attitude and “trying to annex China by force.”Looking back to the historical memories of Japan's “departure from Asia for Europe”and China's “commemoration of three jia's”today,a time of peace and development becoming our epochal themes,will be helpful to the Chinese people to cherish their unprecedented historical opportunity rarely met once in a century,and for some Japanese,who still remain a cultural mood of “worshiping Europe and despising Asia,”to correctly understand their war history engaging their neighboring countries,thus paving the way for establishing a kind of mutually trusting,coexisting and both-winning good-neighborly relations.
Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Japan,“departure from Asia for Europe”,China,“commemoration of three jia's”