
一种2.3GHz低相位噪声BJT振荡器设计 被引量:3

The Circuit Design of 2.3GHz BJT Oscillator in Low Phase Noise
摘要 射频振荡器一直是射频电路设计的难点,针对在射频振荡器设计方面压控振荡器的设计资料较多,而对于工作在固定频率点的振荡器设计实例较少的情况,设计了一种工作在2.3GHz的负阻振荡器,并通过计算机优化设计使该振荡器具有较低的相位噪声特性,由实测结果显示,输出功率可达到5.23dBm,在振荡器振荡中心频率为2.27GHz时,相位噪声为-109.82dBc/Hz@600kHz.而且该电路结构简洁,便于集成电路设计。 RF oscillator is always a difficult task in RF circuit design, and the examples of VCO are much more than the oscillators working on stable frequency. A low-phase-noise 2.3GHz negative resistance oscillator is presented. Through optimum programming designing, the oscillator achieves a phase-noise performance of -109.82dBc/Hz at 600kHz offset, and output power can achieves 5.23 dBm. Further more the oscillator is very compact and appropriate for IC design.
作者 刘贤刚 王玫
出处 《桂林电子工业学院学报》 2005年第1期31-34,共4页 Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60472091).
关键词 射频振荡器 S参数 计算机优化设计 相位噪声 RF oscillators, S-parameter, optimum programming, phase noise
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