
国外炼油厂换热设备腐蚀研究现状及发展动态 被引量:16

Research status and development trends of heat exchanger corrosion in foreign refinery
摘要 综述了近年来国外炼油厂换热设备的腐蚀研究现状及其发展动态 ,重点介绍了研究腐蚀过程的新方法、新技术和新设备。对减轻换热器结垢的措施、防腐蚀的表面工程技术以及腐蚀监、检测的高新技术手段进行了评述 ,同时分析了腐蚀研究中存在的问题 ,展望了今后的研究趋势。 The research status and advances of corrosion in heat exchange equipment in foreign refinery in the decade is summarized.The new methods, new techniques and new equipment of corrosion process research abroad are emphatically introduced, new measures of mitigating fouling of heat exchangers, research advances of surface engineering technology of corrosion protection and high-tech technique means of corrosion inspection and detection are reviewed. In addition, the existent questions on corrosion research, and prospected possible research trends of corrosion in future have been analyzed. It will be useful for reference to corrosion research in heat exchange equipment.
出处 《石油化工设备》 CAS 2005年第1期41-46,共6页 Petro-Chemical Equipment
关键词 换热器 防腐蚀 监测 检测 研究趋势 heat exchanger corrosion protection inspection detection research trend
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