An integrated fault tolerant approach for data encryption and digitalsignature based on elliptic curve cryptography is proposed. Phis approach allows the receiver toverify the sender's identity and can simultaneously deal with error detection and data correction.Up to three errors in our approach can be detected and corrected. This approach has at least thesame security as that based on RSA system, but smaller keys to achieve the same level of security.Our approach is more efficient than the known ones and more suited for limited environments likepersonal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones and smart cards without RSA co-processors.
An integrated fault tolerant approach for data encryption and digitalsignature based on elliptic curve cryptography is proposed. Phis approach allows the receiver toverify the sender's identity and can simultaneously deal with error detection and data correction.Up to three errors in our approach can be detected and corrected. This approach has at least thesame security as that based on RSA system, but smaller keys to achieve the same level of security.Our approach is more efficient than the known ones and more suited for limited environments likepersonal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones and smart cards without RSA co-processors.
Supported by the National Natural Science Funda tion of China (90204012)