In this paper, a new domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction, which solves wave problems over an unbounded domain, is suggestted. An circular artifcial boundary is introduced. The original unbounded domain is divided into two subdomains, an internal bounded region and external unbounded region outside the artificial boundary. A Dirichlet-Neumann(D-N) alternating iteration algorithm is constructed. We prove that the algorithm is equavilent to preconditional Richardson iteration method. Numerical studies are performed by finite element method. The numerical results show that the convergence rate of the discrete D-N iteration is independent of the fnite element mesh size.
<正>In this paper, a new domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction, which solves wave problems over an unbounded domain, is suggestted. An circular artificial boundary is introduced. The original unbounded domain is divided into two subdomains, an internal bounded region and external unbounded region outside the artificial boundary. A Dirichlet-Neumann(D-N) alternating iteration algorithm is constructed. We prove that the algorithm is equavilent to preconditional Richardson iteration method. Numerical studies are performed by finite element method. The numerical results show that the convergence rate of the discrete D-N iteration is independent of the finite element mesh size.