利用透射电子显微镜对高性能耐火耐候建筑用钢中的第二相析出进行了观察和分析。结果表明:热轧态50mm厚的高性能耐火耐候建筑用钢在所设定的热处理工艺制度下均能获得稳定的析出相。这些细小稳定的第二相为Nb、Ti的复合析出,多沿位错线分布,产生沉淀强化,有利于该钢在高温状态下的组织稳定及耐火性能 的提高。
The second precipiation of high property fire-r esistant and weathering construction steel was analyzed using TEM with different heat treatment technologies. The result shows that the hot-rolled 50 mm thickn ess construction steel with the designed heat treatment could obtain stable comb ined niobum and titanium precipiation of niobium and titanium distributing along the dislocations, and the strength caused by precipiation is beneficial for the steady of microstructure at high temperature and also improves the fire-resist ant performance.
Physics Examination and Testing