

The Economic Transformation in Mining Industry Cities of Liaoning Province
摘要 辽宁省是我国资源型城市、矿业城市密集的区域,是国家能源和原材料工业最重要的基地之一.2003年辽宁工业总产值6055亿元,其中原材料工业总值达到3139亿元,占一半以上.全年煤炭总产量5872万吨,石油产量1332万吨,钢产量2123万吨.辽宁省许多城市是资源型城市、矿业城市,这些城市在我国的工业化和城市化的进程中都曾经做出过巨大贡献,在辽宁的经济和社会发展中具有举足轻重的地位. Liaoning province, where there are many mining industries cities, have made great contribution to the industrialization and urbanization in China, in which Fuxin city was chosen as the only pilot city in 2003 by the State Council for the transformation of mining cities where reserves are close to exhaustion. Through one year's practice, an initial success has been won. The economic transformation in mining industry cities is a complex, long-term, systematic work, which is greatly important to the development of mining industry cities. First, the economic system should be reconstructed, that is, government administration should be separated from enterprise management under the condition of market economy; second, the development strategy should adhere to the laws of urban development and mining development, adhere to the principle of developing in transformation and transforming in development, and enhance the situation of enterprises in market, and the public serving function of governments; third, large and super-large scale mining enterprises should change the industrial structure; fourth, large and super-large scale enterprises should be encouraged and supported to go out to exploit mines; fifth, environmental protection should be emphasized to realize the sustainable development of resources exploitation, environmental protection and economic development; sixth, a comprehensive complement policy system should be set up.
作者 张文岳
机构地区 辽宁省人民政府
出处 《国土资源》 2004年第12期4-7,共4页 Land & Resources
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