

The multidimensional scaled memory model and its verification
摘要 将一维量化记忆模型中的记忆点对扩展为偏平面上的记忆面,定义量化模量为当前应力点到破坏面的距离,采用一维量化记忆模型的量化函数,构筑了多维量化模量的插值方法,进而可确定滞回圈上任意点的塑性模量。编写了有限元计算程序,实现了多维应力条件下土工建筑物的动力非线性分析。通过对大三轴试样动力试验过程的模拟,发现多维量化记忆模型及其算法能够很好地模拟土的动应力应变关系。 In this paper, the dipole of memory points in scaled one-dimensional memory model would be generalized as a memory surface in multidimensional stress space. The scale modulus is defined as the distance between the current stress point and failure surface, and the scale function of one–dimensional stress-strain relationship is adopted in multidimensional scaled memory model. The interpolation method of scale modulus would be composed, after that the plastic modulus of any point on hysteretic loop could be estimated. A program with FEM has been completed, and it will be applied to the dynamic nonlinear analysis of earth structure under multidimensional stress state. Through the simulation of the dynamic triaxial test with specimen of 300mm diameter, it is demonstrated that the dynamic stress-strain relationship could be simulated commendably by multidimensional scale memory model and its algorithm.
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期167-172,共6页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
关键词 土动力学 多维量化 本构模型 有限元 soil dynamic mechanics multidimensional scaled memory constitutive model finite element method
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