目的 探讨胃肠道多原发肿瘤的临床特点 ,诊治原则和预后。 方法 回顾性分析 1992~ 2 0 0 3年 48例胃肠道多原发性肿瘤。结果 本组病例占同期胃肠道恶性肿瘤的 0 .83 % ,发病率低 ,同时癌 2 7例 ,异时癌 2 1例 ,多原发大肠癌 3 2例 ,胃多原发癌 10例 ,胃肠道多原发癌 6例 ,术前漏诊率为 3 0 % ,同时癌经手术治疗预后与单发癌相似 ,异时癌预后好于单发癌。 结论 胃肠道多原发肿瘤易漏诊 。
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics.treatment and diagnosis principle ,and the prognosis of multiple gastrointestinal cancers.Methods A retrospective analysis was made on 48 cases of multiple gastrointestinal cancers from January 1992 toDecember 2003. Results The incidence ofmultiple primary gastrointestinal carcinomas was 0.83%,it's low. There were 27 synchronous carcinomas and 21 metachronous ones, 32 multiple colorectal cancer,10 gastric multiple carcinomas,6 gastrointestinal multiple carcinomas, misdiagnosis rate is 30%,Survival rate in patients with synchronous cancer were similar to that in patient with single tumor ,However patients with metachronous tumors had better prognosis than those with single cancer. Conclusion Multiple primary gastrointestinal carcinomas was easily misdiagnosed. The key to improve the treatment is to be vigilant against lesions in the digestive tract so as to arrive at a timely diagnosis and treatment. Key word Gastrointestinal neoplasms Multiple primary cancers Misdiagnosed
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal