通过对深基坑悬臂桩支护特点的分析 ,介绍了桩的埋深、受弯承载力、桩间距、截面配筋的计算方法 ,用工程实例论证了根据排桩的弯距图采用局部断面均匀配筋比上下一致的全断面均匀配筋更合理 ,可节约钢筋约 4 8.5 %左右。
The paper presents methods of calculating the pile embe dm ent depth,bend bearing capacity,pile spacing and reinforcement,by a study of cha racteristics of cantilever row pile supports in deep foundation pits.Case sudies are used to demonstrate that the method of the partial section uniform reinforc ement is more rational and cost effective than that of the whole section uniform reinforcement,based on the bending moment diagram of row piles.The new method w ill save reinforcement bars by around 48.5%.
Liaoning Communication Science and Technology