通过对乡土竹种椽竹人工栽培试验表明,移栽母竹造林,当年平均成活率可达83%,第三年长出的新竹平均胸径3.6 cm,平均高8.0m,每丛竹材产量37260 kg/hm2,产值可达9720元/hm2,是一种投资少,成林快,效益好,值得大力推广种植的优良丛生竹种。
After the test on plantation of Bambusa textilis for local species, planting by mother bamboo, the average survival rate can be reach 83% in the same year, the new average DBH will be 3.6cm in the third year, average height is 8.0 m, the output is 37260 kg/hm2 for per clump, its output value is 9 720 yuan/hm2, it is less cost, fast growth and high benefit species, and an excellent clump bamboo for extension and cultivation.
World Bamboo and Rattan