为制备过敏性哮喘模型,腹腔注射抗原(卵蛋白,OA)致敏豚鼠,2周后使豚鼠吸入雾化 卵蛋白激发哮喘发作,以正常豚鼠为空白对照组,比较血、支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中的嗜酸 细胞及BALF细胞总数及气道反应性,并进行病理学检查以确定动物造模是否能模拟哮喘的病理状 态。结果表明卵蛋白激发后,豚鼠的血、支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中的嗜酸细胞总数较对照组 增高,吸入组胺后气道内压较对照组明显增高,病理学结果显示为嗜酸性炎性浸润。
To establish the allergic asthma model, guinea pigs were intraperitoneally injected with ovabulmin, and challenged by inhaling ovabulmin with ultrasonically nebulised inhaler two weeks later. The total number of cell and eosinphil count in brochial alveolar lavage fluid (BALF), eosinphil count in plasma, airway resistance ,pathology were detected. The results showed that eosinphil count in plasma and BALF of the model animal were significantly increased after the challenge compared with the control, intrapul monary pressure were increased after inhaling histamine, and eosinphil inflammion were found in pathological exanination.
Shanghai Laboratory Animal Science