
胃癌组织中生长抑素及其受体的表达及与Ki67的相关性 被引量:4

Expression of somatostatin and its receptor and their correlationship with Ki67 in gastric carcinoma
摘要 目的:探讨生长抑素(SS)及其受体(SSTR-1,SSTR-2)和Ki67在胃癌发生、发展中的作用及其相关性. 方法:对病理确诊的100例胃组织标本,其中胃良性组织(NG,28例)、重度不典型增生(GSAH,12例)及胃癌(GC, 60例),采用免疫组化二步法进行SS、SSTR-1、SSTR-2 和Ki67染色.染色后按着色细胞百分数进行评分判定.用Kruskal Wallis检验、秩和检验及等级相关分析进行统讲学处理. 结果:SSTR-1,SSTR-2和Ki67在三种组织中的表达存在显著性差异(SSTR-1:X2=9.11,P=0.011,SSTR-2:X2= 9.99,P=0.007,Ki67:X2=35.76,P=0.000);SS在胃癌组织中的表达较其余两组有降低趋势;SSTR-1在胃重度不典型增生组织中的表达与其余两组间存在显著性差异(GSAH vs GC,平均秩=25.37,P<0.05,GASH vs NG, 平均秩=23.47,P<0.05);SSTR-2在胃癌组织与胃良性组织中存在显著性差异(平均秩=11.96,P<0.05);Ki67在胃良性组织中的表达与胃癌组织和胃重度不典型增生组织比较均存在显著性差异(GC vs NG,平均秩=37.65, P<0.01,GASH vs NG,平均秩=23.68,P<0.05).胃癌SS,SSTR-1,SSTR-2和Ki67的表达与胃癌分化类型、胃癌分期、是否伴有浆膜浸润及淋巴结转移不同组间均无显著性差异;但SS胃癌分化差者,SS表达降低.除在胃重度不典型增生组织中Ki67与SS无相关外,Ki67与各指标间在各种组织中的表达均存在显著正相关(P<0.01). 结论:SS,SSTR-1,SSTR-2和Ki67在胃癌的发生、发展中相互作用,可作为胃癌的生物学行为指标. AIM: To study the role of somatostatin (SS), its receptors (SSTR-1, SSTR-2) and Ki67 in the process of gastric car cinogenesis and their correlationship. METHODS: Two-step immunohistochemical staining was used to examine the expression of SS, SSTR-1, SSTR-2 and Ki67 in 100 cases of gastric specimens, of which there were 60 gastric carcinoma (GC) tissues, 12 gastric severe atypical hyperplasia (GSAH) tissues, and 28 normal gastric (NG) tissues. The expression was scored according to the percentage of pigmenting cell. Kruskal Wallis test, rank sum test and rank correlation analysis were used to examine the significance. RESULTS: There were significant differences of SSTR-1, SSTR-2 and Ki67 expression among three different gastric specimens (SSTR-1: X2 = 9.11, P= 0.011<0.05; SSTR-2: X2= 9.99, P= 0.007<0.05; Ki67:X2= 35.76, P= 0.000 <0.05); SS expression in GC group had a decreased tendency when compared to those in any other two groups; in GSAH group, SSTR1 expression significantly increased than those in GC group and NG group (average rank = 25. 37, 23.47 respectively, P<0.05); SSTR-2 expression in GC group was significantly higher than that in NC group (average rank =11.96, P<0.05); Ki67 expression increased significantly in both GC and GSAT group when compared with that in NG group (average rank = 37.65, 23.68; P<0.01, P<0.05 respectively). In GC group, the expression of SS, SSTR-1, SSTR-2 and Ki67 was not related to differential degree, UICC stage, local lymph node metastasis, and depth of invasion; however, the poorer the differential degree, the lower the SS expression. There were positive correlations among the expression of Ki67 with that of SS, SSTR-l and SSTR-2 in different groups (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: SS, SSTR-1, SSTR-2 and Ki67 correlates with each other in the process of gastric carcinogenesis and may serve as useful markers for assessing the biological behavior of gastric carcinoma.
出处 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 2004年第11期2547-2550,共4页 World Chinese Journal of Digestology
基金 山西省青年科技基金资助课题 No.20011033山西省留学回国人员资助课题 No.2002~~
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