20 0 3年 ,抚顺石化分公司石油一厂酮苯装置进行了 70 # 蜡的试生产工作。针对试生产中遇到的问题进行了分析 ,并提出了进一步改进的建议。通过采取增加助滤剂、生产流程改造等措施 ,增大了装置的处理能力和降低蜡含油 ,生产出了优级品的高熔点蜡。
The trial production of the 70# micro-wax was finished at Mek-Tol solvent Dewaxing and Deoiling Unit in No.1 refinery of petrochina Fushun branch in 2003. The problem in the process of the trail production was analyzed. The improvement suggestion was given in the article. The capability can be enlarged and the oil content can be decreased to produce priority high-melting wax by taking the method of adding filtration aid and revamping the process.
Contemporary Chemical Industry