老莱子是与老子同时代的楚国思想家 ,早年从事著述和讲学 ,后为避白公之乱和楚惠王聘求 ,先后隐居蒙山和江南。老莱子主张戒除骄矜 ,淡泊名利 ,忘却好恶 ,顺乎自然 ;认为“事君”贵柔 ,方“终以不弊” ;人之生死都是与自然合一的 ,生寄而死归。
Lao Laizi was a thinker in Chu State and Laozi's contemporary. In his early life, he engaged in writing and giving lectures. In order to avoid the Baigong's Rebellion,and King Chuhui's engagement he lived in seclusion in Mengshan and Jiangnan in different periods. Lao Laizi insisted on giving up self-importance, fame and wealth, forgetting likes and dislikes and complying with the nature. He thought the most important thing is softness in serving the king so that one wouldn't be deserted; one's life and death is in accordance with nature.
Journal of Yangtze University(Social Sciences Edition)