
法国优秀佩剑运动员多年训练安排与比赛成功率预测模型研究 被引量:2

Training Program of French Elite Sabre Fencers and Competition Success Forecast Model
摘要 对29名法国优秀佩剑运动员在多年训练和比赛的情况进行了论述,收集、整理,并分析了运动员在1982年至1992年的10年间主要数据,运用多元回归及特殊处理的统计方法对法国顶级佩剑选手在奥运会或世锦赛中的成功率预测模型进行了研究,从中发现佩剑运动员训练和比赛过程中的一些规律性。 The author analyzed the data he collected in the years of 1982-1992 when he was the coach of 29 top French sabre fencers. He used the methods of pluralistic regression and specific statistics to study the competition success model of the fencers in Olympic Games and World Championships. Some valuable laws have been found concerning the sabre fencers?ˉ training and competition. These laws might be of great help to the sabre coaches.
出处 《体育科研》 2005年第1期45-50,共6页 Sport Science Research
关键词 佩剑 法国 优秀运动员 训练 比赛 成功率预测模型 sabre French elite sabre fencers training competition competition success forecast model
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