
核心—外围论对中国的分析——贸易条件—贸易结构—国民经济结构分析 被引量:3

The Nucleus-Periphery Perspective to China Analysis——The Trade Conditions, Trade Structure, and Structural Analysis of National Economy
摘要 核心—外围论一定程度上反映了在开放的经济中发达国家和发展中国家的关系。文章从贸易条件角度 ,对核心—外围论进行了实证分析 ,并使用包括净贸易条件、收入贸易条件和要素贸易条件 ,对我国贸易状况进行了具体分析。贸易结构是贸易条件的重要影响因素 ,而贸易结构是依附于生产结构的 ,经济或生产结构决定了贸易结构的合理程度。 The perspective of nucleus-periphery reflects to some extent the relationship between developed and developing countries in the midst of open economy. This article undertakes a positivist analysis of the nucleus-periphery from the angle of trade conditions and carries out specific analysis of the trade status applying net trade conditions, income trade conditions and factor trade conditions. Trade structure is an important factor affecting trade conditions. Yet trade structure is contingent upon production structure and the economy and production structure decide the reasonable extent of the trade structure. Thereby this article analyzes the application and implications of the perspective of nucleus-periphery in China.
作者 岳清唐 杨帆
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期63-69,共7页 Seeking Truth
关键词 核心—外围论 贸易条件 贸易结构 nucleus-periphery trade conditions trade structure
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