柳宗元一生游踪可分为入仕之前、贬谪途中、永州时期和柳州时期四个阶段,其 间形成了寄情山水、重视生民的“统合儒释”的旅游思想。他还从济世利民的政治主张出发,提 出“观游为为政之具”的旅游开发思想和“逸其人,因其地,全其天”的旅游开发原则,并付诸实 践。
Liu Zongyuan’s ups and downs in his political career in different areas helped form his tourism thought of finding sustenance in mountains and rivers and attaching importance to the living of people. He proposed the tourism principle of enchanting man by making good use of natural resources and also put it into practice.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)