为了研究利木赞牛对本地黄牛的改良效果 ,本试验测定了初生 6月龄和 1岁利本F1 代的体尺、体重 ,并与本地黄牛进行了比较。结果表明 ,利本F1 代牛的各项被检指标均比本地黄牛有明显的提高。
The body size and liveweight of the F_1 crossbred of Native yellow cattle with Limousis at the age of six months and twelve months were determined ,respectively to study the improving effect of native yellow cattle with Limousin,and were compared with those of Native yellow cattle.The results showed that all thd parameters examined of F_1 crossbred individuals were obviously higher than those of Native yellow catele.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences