应用 5 0 μg促排卵素 3号 (LRH A3)给排卵延迟母牛肌肉注射 ,0 .4mg氯前列烯醇给持久黄体的母牛注射 ,结果表明 ,注射LRH A3的母牛情期受胎率、总受胎率显著高于对照牛 ,注射氯前列烯醇的母牛发情率、情期受胎率、总受胎率显著高于对照牛。表明LRH A3。
Intramuscular injection of 50μg dose of LRH-A_3 was given to the cow with ovulation delay and 0.4mg dose of cloprostenol was given to the cow with persistent corpus luteum.The results showed that the non-return rate and the over-all conception rate of cow injected LRH-A_3 were significantly higher than those of cow in control group;the estrous rate,the non-return rate and the over-all conception rate of cow injected cloprostenol were significantly higher than those of cow in control group.It was suggested that LRH-A_3 and colprostanol can improve the reproductivity of the cow with anomaly of ovary function.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences